Basilica de San Eustorgio de Milan
Capilla Visconti o de San Tommaso
La capilla, encargada por Matteo Visconti en el siglo xiii, alberga el crucifijo, de la misma epoca, pintado por el maestro que decoro la capilla Dotto de la iglesia de los Eremitas de Padua.
Basilica di S. Eustorgio - Milano
S. Giorgio e la principessa, affresco; cappella Visconti, parete destra
On the right, Saint George and the Princess, from the eighth decade of the 14th century, is attributed to an unknown painter named ‘the Master of Lentate’, after the town where he frescoed an oratory.
The Visconti Chapel in Sant'Eustorgio church in Milan, with a fresco by an Anonymous painter: "Legend of Saint George", and coats of arms of the House of Visconti (ca. 1375)